Interest Profiler

Help your students connect their interests and personality types to the world of work.

The Details

Drawn from John Holland’s personality type theory, the RIASEC Assessment is a valuable tool in helping students find potential career pathways that naturally align with them, based on their interests. When a student finds a potential career connected to their personality type and personal preferences, deeper interest and fulfillment result.

The Holland Codes

The Science

The RIASEC Assessment (also called the Holland Occupational Themes or Holland Codes) is grounded in a theory of careers and vocational choice first developed by psychologist Dr. John Holland. Holland’s research focused on the close correlation between six distinct personality types and the work environments that particular career pathways present. In short, by classifying people according to their interests, successful career fits can be discovered.

Personality-Driven Success

  • Empower students by highlighting their unique mix of personality types
  • Expose students to potential career pathways, connected to results
  • Activate student agency with vital self-knowledge